HomeFAR Official Website Privacy Policy

FAR Official Website Privacy Policy

FAR Official Website Privacy Policy
Update date:2023.09.13Effective date:2023.10.16.version:2023年9月版

This privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as "this policy") applies only to the products and services we offer to you through the Far official website (hereinafter referred to as "FAR services"). If there is a separate privacy policy for a specific product or service we provide, that policy will take precedence.If there is a discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of this policy, the Chinese version shall prevail.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about this policy, you can contact us through the following contact methods:
Company name: Hangzhou FAR International Logistics Co.,Ltd.
Tel: 4001285656
Email: [email protected]
Address: Room 201, No. 22 Greatwall Street, Gongshu District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China

This policy will help you understand the following:
I.    Definitions
II.     Purpose and Scope of Collecting and Using Personal Information
III.     How We Collect Your Personal Information
IV.     How We Use Cookies or Similar Technologies
V.     How We Delegate, Share, Transfer, and Publicly Disclose Personal Information
VI.    How We Store Personal Information
VII.     How We Protect Personal Information
VIII.      How We Handle Children's Personal Information
IX.     Your Rights
X.     Updates to our Privacy policy
XI.     How to Contact Us

Thanks for using our products and services. We are fully aware of the importance of personal information to you and will do our best to keep your personal information safe and secure. We are committed to maintaining your trust in us and abide by the principles of consistency of rights and obligations, clear purposes, consented choices, minimal necessity, ensured security, subject participation, and transparency to protect your personal information. At the same time, we undertake to strictly comply with the provisions of laws and regulations, and to adopt appropriate security measures in line with mature industry standards to protect your personal information.
For this purpose, we have established the "FAR official website privacy policy" (hereinafter referred to as "this policy") to help you fully understand how we collect, use, share, store, and protect your personal information when you use our products and services, as well as how you can manage your personal information, enabling you to make appropriate choices.
Before you start using our products and services, please make sure to carefully read and understand this policy, especially the terms highlighted in bold/underlined bold. Only start using them once you fully understand and agree to it. We strive to explain the professional terms involved in this policy in a simple and easy-to-understand manner for your understanding.

I.     Definitions
We:Refer to Hangzhou FAR International Logistics Co.,Ltd.
Personal information:Refers to various information related to an identified or identifiable natural person that is recorded electronically or in other ways, excluding information that has been anonymized.
Personal sensitive information:Refers to personal information that, if disclosed or illegally used, could lead to discrimination against an individual or serious harm to one's personal safety or property. This includes biometric data, religious beliefs, special identities, medical health, financial accounts, trajectory of movements, as well as information about minors under the age of fourteen (we will highlight specific sensitive personal information in this privacy policy in bold).
Child:Refers to a natural person under the age of 14.

II. Purpose and Scope of Collecting and Using Personal Information
To comply with national laws and regulations and to achieve the business functions described in this policy, we will, on the premise of legality, legitimacy, and necessity, collect and use the personal information that you actively provide, generate while using our services, or need to collect from third parties during your use of our services.
1. Account registration and login
When you choose to register a FAR official account on our website, you need to provide the mobile number and verification code set by you. The aforementioned information is essential, and if you don't provide it, you will not be able to complete the registration. If you are only using product browsing and basic search services, you don't need to register or provide the aforementioned information.
2. Identity verification and real-name authentication
To identify you and fulfill our legal obligations for real-name authentication, you need to provide us with your mobile number, verification code, and name. The aforementioned information is essential for identity verification, and if you don't provide it, you may not be able to complete the authentication process.
3. Placing orders
When using various products or services, you need to provide us with essential information to complete the use of the respective product. This specifically includes product or service name, quantity, order time, recipient name, recipient address, recipient phone number, sender name, sender phone number, etc.
4. Other functions
To cater to your job application needs, we need to collect your name, phone number, email, date of birth, gender, place of origin, highest education, major, work experience, etc.

III. How We Collect Your Personal Information
We collect your personal information through the following channels:
1. Information you provide directly:We may collect information you fill out when registering a FAR official account, applying, or using our services on our website, information provided during face-to-face conversations, phone calls, videos or other means of contact with us, and information related to your transactions and activities when using our services.
2. In circumstances permitted by law and regulations, we may collect and use your personal information without seeking your consent or authorization in the following situations:
(1) Those related to our obligations under laws and regulations;
(2) Directly related to national security or national defense;
(3)Directly related to public security, public health or major public interests;
(4) Necessary for entering into or fulfilling a contract where an individual is a party;
(5) Directly related to criminal investigations, prosecutions, trials, and the execution of judgments;
(6) To protect significant lawful rights and interests of you and other individuals when it's challenging to obtain your personal consent;
(7) Collecting your personal information from legally disclosed public sources;
(8) Necessary to ensure the safe and stable operation of the products or services provided, such as detecting and addressing faults in products or services;
(9) Other circumstances stipulated by laws, regulations, or national standards.

Ⅳ. How We Use Cookies or Similar Technologies
To ensure the smooth operation of our FAR official website, we store small data files called Cookies or similar files on your mobile device. Usually, Cookie contains an identifier, a site name, and some numbers and characters. With the help of Cookies, our FAR official website can store your preference data. We will not use Cookie for any purpose other than those stated in this Policy. You can manage or delete Cookie according to your preferences. You can clear all Cookies stored on your mobile device; most web browsers or mobile devices have a function to block Cookies.

Ⅴ.How We Delegate, Share, Transfer, and Publicly Disclose Personal Information
1. Delegation
To better serve you, we might delegate third parties to assist us in providing related services. Under this delegation, third parties receiving personal information can only act based on our directives on our behalf. We assume responsibility towards you for their delegated actions within the scope of the delegation.
We will take measures such as written contracts to ensure the entrusted party processes your personal information only for the agreed purposes and within the agreed scope and ensure the security of your personal information. Furthermore, once our delegation relationship with a third party is terminated, we will require them to delete related personal information promptly. Apart from this, we have not delegated any other third-party companies, organizations, or individuals to process your personal information.
2. Sharing
Except for the following circumstances, we will not share your personal information with any company, organization, or individual:
(1) After obtaining your explicit consent;
    (2) The information must be publicly released in accordance with laws and regulations, or according to mandatory requirements from government authorities;
    (3) In cases of company mergers, splits, dissolution, asset or business transfers, bankruptcy liquidations, or similar transactions, if your personal information is involved in sharing, we will require the new company, organization, or individual holding your personal information to continue to be bound by this policy; otherwise, we will require them to obtain your authorization again.
    (4) To achieve the service objectives, third parties will be authorized to provide some of our services. We may share some of your personal information with third parties to provide better services. We will only share your personal information for lawful, legitimate, necessary, specific and explicit purposes, and only share the personal information required to provide services. The third party is not authorized to use the shared personal information for any other purpose.
    Authorized third parties include our suppliers, service providers, and other partners. We send information to suppliers, service providers, and other partners globally that support our business. This support includes providing technical infrastructure services, transaction and communication services (such as payments, logistics, SMS, email services, etc.), analyzing the way our services are used, measuring the effectiveness of ads and services, providing customer service, facilitating payments, or conducting academic research and surveys.
    3. Transfer
Except in the following situations, we will not transfer your personal information to any company, organization, or individual:
(1) With your explicit consent in advance;
(2) When required by laws, regulations, or by the mandatory requirements of government authorities or judicial bodies;
(3) In cases involving company mergers, splits, dissolutions, asset or business transfers, bankruptcy liquidations or similar transactions. If your personal information is transferred, we will require the new company or organization holding your personal information to continue to be bound by this policy, otherwise we will require such company or organization to re-seek authorized consent from you.
4. Public disclosure
Except in the following situations, we will not publicly disclose your personal information:
(1) With your explicit consent in advance;
(2) When disclosure is mandated by laws, regulations, or by the mandatory requirements of government authorities or judicial bodies. When we receive a request for disclosure of information as described above, we will request that the appropriate legal documents, such as a subpoena or letter of inquiry, must be produced, subject to compliance with laws and regulations. We firmly believe that the information requested from us should be kept as transparent as possible within the scope permitted by law. We carefully review all requests to ensure they have a legitimate basis and are limited to data that law enforcement agencies have a legal right to obtain for specific investigative purposes.

VI. How We Store Personal Information
Storage duration
To protect your legal rights, unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations, the storage period for your personal information will be three years from the expiration of the product or service you use. After your personal information exceeds our storage period, we will delete or anonymize it.
After anonymizing your personal information, it may form data that can be used. We do not need to notify you or obtain your consent for the storage and use of such data.
VII. How We Protect Personal Information

1. We have implemented security measures in line with industry standards to protect the personal information you provide, preventing unauthorized access, use, modification, public disclosure, damage, or loss of your personal information. We will take all reasonably feasible measures to protect your personal information, such as:
(1) Our online services use encryption technologies like the transport layer security protocol, ensuring user data is secure during transmission through methods like https, etc.
(2) We employ encryption technologies like MD5 and SHA256 to securely store your personal information, enhancing its security while in use.
(3) We utilize strict data access control and multi-factor authentication to protect personal information, preventing unauthorized usage.
(4) We conduct security audits on personal information using code safety checks and data access log analysis.
(5) We have established a series of management systems to regulate the storage and use of personal information, such as customer information protection management regulations, customer information classification management regulations and daily operation procedures, etc.
(6) We regularly conduct information security and personal data protection training to enhance employees' awareness of the personal importance of data protection.
(7) We've entered into confidentiality agreements with all employees who might access personal data, vetted key position personnel, and have put in place stringent access controls, approval processes, and monitoring and auditing mechanisms.
(8) We sign strict confidentiality agreements or data protection clauses with all partners who might access user personal data, and require all personnel who may come into contact with your personal information to perform corresponding confidentiality and data protection obligations. Third-party partners failing to uphold confidentiality and data protection obligations may face legal consequences and termination of our partnership.
2. We have passed the national information system security level protection evaluation and filing, achieving a level three accreditation at the highest.
3. We will take all reasonable and feasible measures to ensure that irrelevant personal information is not collected. We will retain your personal information only for the duration necessary to achieve the purposes stated in this policy, unless permitted by law.
4.The internet is not an absolutely secure environment. Communication tools such as emails, instant messaging, and social media apps may not be fully encrypted. we strongly recommend that you do not send personal information through such methods.If you must use such tools, ensure you use complex passwords and exercise caution to safeguard your personal data. We are committed to ensuring the security of your personal information. If our physical, technical, or administrative safeguards are compromised, leading to unauthorized access, public disclosure, tampering, or destruction of information which harms your legal rights, we will do everything possible to protect your rights and assume our legal responsibilities. 5. In the unfortunate event of a personal information security breach, we will promptly inform you of the basic details and potential implications of the incident, the remedial actions we have taken or will take, the suggestions that you can prevent and reduce risks independently, and the remedial measures for you. We will promptly communicate details of the incident to you via methods such as email, letters, or phone calls. When it is difficult to inform the subjects of personal information one by one, we will make a public announcement through reasonable and effective channels. At the same time, we will actively report to regulatory authorities on the disposal of personal information security incidents as required.

VIII. How We Handle Children's Personal Information
Our products and services are primarily designed for adults. Children should not create their own user accounts without the consent of a parent or guardian.
In case of collection of the children's personal information with the consent of their parents, we will only use or publicly disclose such information when it is permitted by law, explicitly agreed by their parents or guardians or necessary for protection of children.
If we find that we have collected the personal information of children without prior verifiable consent from their parents, we will try to delete the relevant data as soon as possible.

IX. Your Rights
According to the relevant national laws, regulations, and standards, we guarantee your rights to exercise the following in regard to your personal information:
1. Access your personal information
For other information you provide or generate when using our products or services, we will grant you access as long as it doesn't require excessive effort on our part. You may submit a request for access by calling our customer service.
2. Correct your personal information
If you need to amend other personal details, you can submit a correction request by contacting our customer service.
3. Delete your personal information
You can request us to delete personal information under the following circumstances:
(1) If our handling of personal information violates the mandatory provisions of laws and regulations;
(2) If we collect and use your personal information without your consent, (excluding cases where consent isn't legally necessary);
(3) If our processing of personal information breaches our agreement with you;
(4) If you cease using our products or services;
(5) If we no longer provide you with products or services.
Once we receive your deletion request, we will proceed with the deletion in compliance with your wishes and relevant legal requirements. If we decide to respond to your deletion request, we will also notify the entity that obtains your personal information from us to delete the information in time, unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations, or such entity is independently authorized by you.
When you delete information from our service, we may not immediately delete the information in the backup system, but we will delete the information when it is backed up and updated.
4. Obtain a copy of your personal information
You have the right to receive a copy of your personal data. To do so, you can send us an email request.
In technically feasible situations, such as matched data interfaces, we can also transfer a copy of your personal data directly to a third party you specify upon your request.
5. Report and complain
If you suspect your personal information has been compromised or if any of our employees or partners act unlawfully or violate regulations while handling your data, you can report or file a complaint by calling our customer hotline or sending us an email.
6. Respond to your above requests
To ensure that the aforementioned requests are made by you and to safeguard your personal information, we will verify your identity (which may require a written request from you). Once identity verification is successful, we will proceed with handling your request.
We will verify and address the requests you submit within 30 working days.
For your reasonable requests, we generally do not charge a fee. However, for repeated or excessive requests, we may impose certain costs depending on the circumstances. As for repeated requests that are groundless and need excessive technological means (e.g. developing a new system or fundamentally changing the current practices) to fulfill, bring about risks to others’ legitimate rights and interests or are downright impractical (e.g. involving information stored on a backup disk), we might reject.
Please be informed that we will not be able to respond to your requests in the following situations:
(1) Those related to our obligations under laws and regulations;
(2) Directly related to national security or national defense;
(3)Directly related to public security, public health or major public interests;
(4) Directly related to criminal investigations, prosecutions, judicial inquiries, trials, and the execution of judgments;
(5) When there is substantial evidence indicating your malicious intent or abuse of rights;
(6) When it is to protect the significant lawful rights and interests, such as life or property, of you or another individual and it is difficult to obtain the individual's consent;
(7) Responding to your request would cause serious harm to the lawful rights and interests of you or another individual or organization;
(8) Concerning trade secrets;
(9) Other situations that violate laws and regulations.

X. Updates to our Privacy policy
Our privacy policy is subject to change.
Without your explicit consent, we will not reduce the rights you are entitled to under this policy.
For major changes, we will provide more prominent notifications (e.g., official announcements, push notifications, SMS, or emails) and will seek your explicit consent again upon your first login after the policy is updated.If you click "Agree" or "Next", after this policy has been updated and you have received our notification, this indicates that you have fully read, understood, and accepted the revised policy.
The major changes referred to in this Policy include without limitation:
1. Significant changes in our service model, such as the types, purposes, and methods of processing personal information;
2. Major changes in our ownership structure or organizational structure, such as changes in ownership due to business adjustments, mergers, bankruptcies, etc.;
3. Changes in the main entities with whom we share, transfer, or publicly disclose personal information;
4. Significant changes in the rights you have regarding the processing of personal information and how you can exercise those rights;
5. When there are changes in the department responsible for personal information security, contact details, or the complaint channel;
6. When a personal information security impact assessment indicates a high risk.
We will also file the old version of this Private Policy for your reference.

XI. How to Contact Us
1. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about this policy, you can contact us through the following means:
(1) Call the hotline at 4001285656
(2) Send an email to [email protected]
We will reply within 30 working days and assist in addressing your concerns.
2. If you are unsatisfied with our response, especially if our handling of personal information has harmed your lawful rights, you can seek redress through external avenues: filing a lawsuit with the People's Court in the location of Hangzhou FAR International Logistics Co.,Ltd. or lodging a complaint or report with regulatory bodies such as the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC), the Bureau of Commerce and Industry, or the Public Security Bureau.



Contact Us

Postal code:310022
Email:[email protected]
Address:Room 201, No. 22 Great Wall Street,
Gongshu District,Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China

Global hotline400-128-5656

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