Development Strategy

Digital and Intelligent InnovationDevelopment Strategy
Plot a digital new blueprint

The FAR intelligent logistics system has achieved integrated warehouse and distribution management, delivery process tracking, and exception monitoring and warning functions through intelligent algorithms and optimization models. This has significantly boosted the speed of service responses, enhanced the customer experience, and improved work efficiency.

We are aimed to build an intelligent cross-border electronic logistics service system in meeting customer needs. This ensures more stable and controllable business operations, swifter and more efficient service responses, and superior, trustworthy delivery quality.

Multiple digital and intelligent technologies contributing to improvement in service

Five principle intelligent cross-border electronic logistics service system modules, designed to deliver swift and effective solutions

  • Automatic storage system

    utilizing automated conveyor belts, automated sorting and other systems, we have streamlined the processes for quick and efficient storage and retrieval operations. This has dramatically increased our storage capacity and operation efficiency while also reducing labor costs.
  • Intelligent delivery optimization

    Relying on intelligent algorithms, we dynamically optimize the delivery routes to work out the fastest and most cost-effective delivery path. This approach has significantly improved the customer satisfaction.
  • Deep online and offline integration

    Offering features like multi-client end tracking and information querying, we ensure a comprehensive coverage throughout the service journey, granting customers a full-fledged, self-directed service experience.
  • Big data driven decision-making

    By collecting and analyzing customer data, we predict demand changes in real-time, and achieve precise regional inventory allocation and sales decision-making.
  • Collaborative information sharing platform

    By maintaining the real time connection with upstream and downstream partners in the supply chain, we enable unobstructed information sharing and resource linkage allocation. This interconnected approach to resource allocation considerably enhances our collaborative efficiency.
Planning leads to digital development in the future

We are committed to building an intelligent future logistics ecosystem through digital transformation. Our central objective revolves around amplifying customer service. Incorporating forefront technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data, we aspire to deliver swift responses and pinpointed supply chain coordination, granting our clients ever-more intelligent logistics solutions.

Contact Us

Postal code:310022
Email:[email protected]
Address:Room 201, No. 22 Great Wall Street,
Gongshu District,Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China

Global hotline400-128-5656

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